Indifference bordering on intentional indifference is what I've experienced during my 10 years in the rural South (NC). Folks will flip out if you suggest they are racist or that maybe the way it's been done in the past (the good ol' boy network; which is really just Jim Crow warmed over) isnt' working any longer. But many folks out herβ¦
Indifference bordering on intentional indifference is what I've experienced during my 10 years in the rural South (NC). Folks will flip out if you suggest they are racist or that maybe the way it's been done in the past (the good ol' boy network; which is really just Jim Crow warmed over) isnt' working any longer. But many folks out here won't have anything to do with programs that provide a hand-up for black/brown folks or women, or anyone that isn't white, conservative, evangelical, or male. I'm also amazed that in less than 3 weeks the Biden team has put together a $1.9 trillion program to help folks all across the country, all of which I agree with, but God forbid we provide healthcare for all, get kids educated, provide free higher education, and take care of our seniors. We found $1.9 trillion buck in less than 3 weeks but couldn't find that dough 10 years ago? I'm glad Biden's team is doing what they are doing but I hope it continues beyond 2021. And don't get me started on broadband in rural USA. That is the most racist and class focused discrimination I have ever seen in my life. "If they live out there, they don't really need it..." But it will never change without un-gerrymandering and getting money out of campaigns. A political contribution is a drop in the bucket for these corporations, individuals, and professional associations that want to continue to control power and know the game. Sad.
I know you've been in the trenches battlin' the 'good' ol' boy network down there, DBW. A perspective most don't get and can only come with the level of democratic participation you commit to. ππ
And I agree with you that Dems shouldn't be too quick to pat themselves on the back. So. Much. Work. To. Do. And let's not forget members of congress making a base salary of $154,000 in publicly-funded pay, publicly-funded health care, publicly-funded paid vacation, and up to 85% of their salary in publicly-funded retirement. Oh, and the first to get vaccinated. π€ If it works for them?...
And, yes, the Fed knows how to make money. They've invented $7 Trillion (half our GDP) in the last four years to buy stocks and bonds. A Fed first. But none of the returns on those investments will flow back into the tax-paying public. Only if you are in the stock market. Yippee for half the country...FU to the the other half. π€¨
Totally with you on free broadband. To me, it's priority one.
1. Free Broadband (it's moral human right to participate in our global society. Certainly more so than a TV signal via rabbit ears! And it's possible. Look at wifi4eu)
2. Healthcare (how can our nation heal, if we don't have healthcare?...especially in rural areas...where they need more hospitals and clinics! which will rely on broadband connections!)
3. Climate crisis (We can't mess around people. Green New Deal is a place to start...especially because it includes reversing environmental injustices toward poor and BIPOC communities. Which also require broadband! Clock's tickin' β°π¬). If you want good newsletter to follow on climate, look at Emily Atkin's, Heated.
Indifference bordering on intentional indifference is what I've experienced during my 10 years in the rural South (NC). Folks will flip out if you suggest they are racist or that maybe the way it's been done in the past (the good ol' boy network; which is really just Jim Crow warmed over) isnt' working any longer. But many folks out here won't have anything to do with programs that provide a hand-up for black/brown folks or women, or anyone that isn't white, conservative, evangelical, or male. I'm also amazed that in less than 3 weeks the Biden team has put together a $1.9 trillion program to help folks all across the country, all of which I agree with, but God forbid we provide healthcare for all, get kids educated, provide free higher education, and take care of our seniors. We found $1.9 trillion buck in less than 3 weeks but couldn't find that dough 10 years ago? I'm glad Biden's team is doing what they are doing but I hope it continues beyond 2021. And don't get me started on broadband in rural USA. That is the most racist and class focused discrimination I have ever seen in my life. "If they live out there, they don't really need it..." But it will never change without un-gerrymandering and getting money out of campaigns. A political contribution is a drop in the bucket for these corporations, individuals, and professional associations that want to continue to control power and know the game. Sad.
I know you've been in the trenches battlin' the 'good' ol' boy network down there, DBW. A perspective most don't get and can only come with the level of democratic participation you commit to. ππ
And I agree with you that Dems shouldn't be too quick to pat themselves on the back. So. Much. Work. To. Do. And let's not forget members of congress making a base salary of $154,000 in publicly-funded pay, publicly-funded health care, publicly-funded paid vacation, and up to 85% of their salary in publicly-funded retirement. Oh, and the first to get vaccinated. π€ If it works for them?...
And, yes, the Fed knows how to make money. They've invented $7 Trillion (half our GDP) in the last four years to buy stocks and bonds. A Fed first. But none of the returns on those investments will flow back into the tax-paying public. Only if you are in the stock market. Yippee for half the country...FU to the the other half. π€¨
Totally with you on free broadband. To me, it's priority one.
1. Free Broadband (it's moral human right to participate in our global society. Certainly more so than a TV signal via rabbit ears! And it's possible. Look at wifi4eu)
2. Healthcare (how can our nation heal, if we don't have healthcare?...especially in rural areas...where they need more hospitals and clinics! which will rely on broadband connections!)
3. Climate crisis (We can't mess around people. Green New Deal is a place to start...especially because it includes reversing environmental injustices toward poor and BIPOC communities. Which also require broadband! Clock's tickin' β°π¬). If you want good newsletter to follow on climate, look at Emily Atkin's, Heated.
$174K base.